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Updated: Apr 6, 2022

Welcome to Journal to Memoir. Here is the way that I made out the idea

“There are 8 stage of life development for human and flowering plants. And I research for more or observe it for the similarity point between of human and flowering plant ”

1. Which is seed stand by human prenatal development which is the baby inside mummy uterus. They are being protected and absorb nutrients from the embryo to have a good development process.

2. Germination stands by infancy and toddlerhood. Instead of relying on embryos to survive, we begin to develop ourselves and use our structure to establish individual development.

3. Growth stands by Early childhood and middle childhood. The first leaves cotyledons just like early childhood, we start to explore the world, know how the world works, and utilize them what the outside influence. After that we use the foundation to develop what the outside world influences us, utilize, and develop to connect with the world as primary leaves just like the middle of childhood.

4. Flowering stands by Adolescence. Both begin to have a strong gender distinction, which is a sign of maturity.

5. Pollination stands by Early Adulthood. Begin to gradually get in touch with the world more widely, and know the pros and cons brought by society or the world.

6. Seeds mature and release stand by Middle Adulthood. Dedicate what they must spread out and bring a steady source of sources to the world.

7. Wither stands by Late adulthood. The mechanism of its own comes to an end, the flower like human being lacks in nutrients and water, it will face death.

8. Died stand by Death and Dying. Exhausted resources and lack of care can indirectly lead to the sacrifice of more vulnerable life forms.

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